Friday, April 30, 2010

New Arizona Law: The Long View

Maybe the real immigration problem is that the Native Americans, the indigenous people of America (North and South), did not have a strong enough immigration policy to protect their borders when Europeans like Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortez "discovered America" 500 years ago. Did anyone ask Mr. Columbus or Sr. Cortez for their entry visas? Maybe the only "real" Americans are the Native Americans (as the name implies), and the rest of us Americans are just immigrants from other lands.


  1. no matters what gonna say about the new arizona immigration law or shifting the discussion like jeff did (rap) our voices won't be heard and it seems like a drop in bucket(sorry for being pesimistic) but there is one last chance it's by taking advantage of the rivality betwen democrates and republicains .what I'm sugesting here folks is aiming the president himself by going to his web site( and leaving our concerns and opinions about the new arizona law and on president's facebook link as well.

  2. Good idea, Brahim. Let's tell President Obama what we think. As far as I know, we still have free speech in the United States. However, President Obama isn't the problem. He has already denounced the new Arizona law and questioned its constitutionality. The politicians in Arizona are the ones who need to hear what others think about their new law.


  3. In my opinion right now it's happening something that is very non sense in Arizona.
    personally i think this law has been voted by mistake by some peoples those don't even know the reality of things in some parts in the U.S.A. By voting this law adopting this law some peoples do not feel anymore safe psychologically and they don't feel anymore comfortable in this country. if the government of Arizona keep this law,all the immigrants persons gonna move from there and if that happen Arizona will be in trouble because everybody knows that the immigrants do most of the jobs for example in constructions, personally i think this law is not appropriate in the U.S.A AND it should be stops now

  4. Thanks for your comments. I agree with you.

