Friday, April 23, 2010

Maybe Money Can Buy You Happiness

Yesterday, I wrote about how money can't buy you love. Real love isn't something that is bought or sold, in my opinion. Sex can be purchased, but not love. But maybe money can buy you happiness. That is, if you use your money in the right way. Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point. Earlier this week I was watching the program American Idol Gives Back on television with my family. I was impressed that this program has raised more than 15 million dollars to help hungry and sick children in Africa and the U.S. At one point in the program, there was a short interview with Bill and Melinda Gates about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and how the millions of dollars their foundation has given has helped decrease the number of deaths of African children from Malaria and improve their lives. As Bill Gates spoke about the good work his foundation has done, I saw a look of absolute joy and happiness on his face; a look that you can't fake. Here is one of the richest men in the world, who has so much money that it would be virtually impossible for him and his wife to spend it all in a lifetime. And how does his money make him happy? By using it to help people in need have better lives and make a difference with their lives.

Some of the stock traders and tycoons on Wall Street, who only seem to be driven by greed to have more and more money no matter the cost to others, could learn something from Bill Gates, and what he chooses to do with his money. Maybe if more of these people were more like Gates, our country's economy wouldn't be in the mess it is currently in. That's my two cents about money and how people use their money.


  1. In my openion money does not give you happiness, because many people do not know how to use their money and they use it in wrong ways. In other hand if you have money and you know how to use it can buy you happiness by helping needed people

  2. In my opinion money helps people to become happy, if you know how to use it.My main point about happines is to love yourself because if you do not love yourself, even if you have a lot of money you will not find happiness.I had the opportunity of meeting people that had a poor and simple life but they were so happy, and it inspired me .When i asked them how can you be so happy when you do not have much, the answer was appreciation.So simple, they really appreciate what they have.

  3. Paulo, I agree with you completely. Money doesn't make you happy. It's how you use it. And yes, if you don't love yourself and others, no amount of money will make you happy. I met many happy "poor" people in Mexico who appreciated the little they had and had loving families. It's all about appreciation of the little things.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. You get 20 points of extra credit. I hope you will read my blog another time and send me your comments.


  4. Dilbar,

    I agree. It's not the money, but how you choose to use it, and using it in the right ways, that can make you happy.

