Monday, June 7, 2010

Learning a Second Language

I'm teaching Spanish and English as a Second Language courses this summer at a community college. My students often ask me what I think is the best and fastest way to learn another language as an adult. My advice to them is usually along these lines: go and live in a country where they speak the language you want to learn and do not hang around with other people who speak your native language while you are there. Live as much as possible as the the people who live in that country do. Try to communicate in that language 24/7 as long as you are in the country. This is the fastest and most efficient way to learn a second language as an adult, and also learn about the culture, which is an important part of the language. This can be a frustrating and painful experience, but the best way to learn a language. It's called total immersion. I also advise students to stay away from anyone selling language programs or software packages that claim to teach you to speak a language fluently "in 48 hours" or some such short period of time. These programs are usually very expensive and don't deliver the results they promise. Anyone who has learned a second or foreign language knows that's not the way language learning works. Aside from total immersion, there are no miracle methods or shortcuts.


  1. Hi, as curious person I ask questions to others and I forget to ask them to myself. Mr Jeff, why specifically have you chosen Spanish as second language? Do thing one language is difficult to other or they are same? What is relation between you and Spanish as language?.

  2. Good questions, Saiid. I chose to learn Spanish and teach in Mexico because I could see that Spanish would continue to be an important language in the future in the U.S., because of the growing Hispanic population, and around the world. I met my wife while I was living in Mexico, so in that way Spanish is an important language because we often speak Spanish together.

    The opportunity to live and teach in Mexico was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my life. Living in a foreign country for an extended period of time changes the way you see the world and changes you as a person, in a good way, in my opinion.

    I hope I have answered your questions. If not, please let me know. You are a curious person, and that is good. Curious people make good learners, lifelong learners.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.


  3. Jeff-I am closing my much enjoyed blogging for now. I have never blogged before.. We had a friend that blogged his journey of brain cancer. It was highly regarded by many and read by many. His Blogs name was called "Thumping The Melon" His name was Terry Harper. You might google it and check it out. He was a brilliant , sarcastic, sweet and loving father or two boys. His wife wrote his last blog as the Cancer invaded . Professor Burnham- gracias for the wonderful class and new insight
