Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Vuvuzela

I have always wondered what that droning sound like a giant hive of bees at international soccer games was. I've been hearing it again at the World Cup games. So I decided to ask my international students what caused the sound. They explained that the sound comes from a three-foot long plastic horn called a vuvuzela that many of the fans use to cheer on their teams. Apparently the horn came from South Africa originally and then spread to Mexico and then around the world. I imagine the word comes from an African language. It is also called a lepatata. Apparently, some people don't like the sound of the horn and want to ban its use. I think that would be a shame. That crazy, constant noise has become a part of soccer.


  1. If people like to see the soccer game ,I guess that nobody think it is noisy. If dislike to see ,also can't hear this why some people want to ban it ?

  2. Serena,

    Some people want to ban it because they think they can't enjoy the game with so much noise, or that the noisy damages their hearing. That is what I have heard.

    Thanks for your comment.


  3. Banning the Vuvuzela is probably being promoted by those who are so bitter that some public smoking "rights" have been taken away from them..... They look at the people having fun with their noise makers and are enraged with hatred- so desperately missing their own mouthpiece..ha ha....
