Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Soccer Flop

Watching the World Cup soccer games, I have noticed that many of the players try to fool the official, falling down after minimal or no contact with the other player, and rolling around on the ground as if they were mortally wounded. In fact, almost every time a player falls down after contact, it appears that he is so injured that he won't be able to continue in the game, and then he jumps right up and keeps on playing. The flop is fairly common in the NBA; several basketball players have a reputation for flopping a lot trying to draw fouls. The acting involved is sometimes almost funny to watch. It is easy to see a flop on instant replay. Sometimes the acting is so good that you think the player should receive not a penalty but an Academy Award. This year the NBA came up with a new rule to stop the flopping, so if an official thinks a player has flopped, the player can receive a technical foul. It seems that there is even more flopping in soccer than in basketball. In a game I watched earlier this week, a player from Brazil grabbed his head and fell down, twisting and turning on the ground while he held his leg in pain. He had not even been touched by the player from the other team, but he thought he might fool the official and draw a yellow card for the opposing player. The official wasn't fooled and neither were the people watching instant replay. It wasn't even very good acting. Maybe soccer and basketball players need to go to acting school to really perfect the flop and sell it to officials and spectators. Or maybe acting shouldn't be a part of sports. What do you think?


  1. Flopping is a reason I don't like soccer. In QingDao, player like to flop, it looks like a show.

  2. Serena,

    We agree. How can FIFA/soccer officials stop the flop?

    Thanks for your comments.


  3. I think FIFA should change the rules, if the player is showing that he's in so much pain he should leave the field. I also think you don't like the Brasil soccer team very much huh? what about what happened to Kaka?

  4. Alex,

    That makes sense. If a player looks like he is in that much pain, make him leave the field. Maybe that would stop some of the flopping. I like the Brazilian team. In fact, I think they will win the World Cup. I was just using the Brazilian team as an example. I have seen a lot of flopping by players on all the teams. I like Kaka and was disappointed that he got a red card. He is a great player.

    Thanks for your comments.


  5. This is gonna be random but do people aboard get angry when you call football soccer? Curious is all....

  6. Joe,

    My impression is that everywhere in the world except the US, football means soccer. I'm not sure if people abroad get angry when we use the word football for another sport. If you think about it, "American football" shouldn't be called football at all, because kicking the ball is a very small part of the game. It makes me wonder where the word "soccer" came from. If you've ever seen rugby, it looks a lot like American football. I think American football came from rugby originally, not soccer.

    Thanks for your comment!

