Sunday, April 13, 2014

A five-paragraph process essay

     You might be asking yourself how you are going to write a five-paragraph essay about a process that includes, say, 12 steps. Remember that you have the three  body paragraphs to write about the steps of the process. But first, in the introduction paragraph you are going to begin by grabbing the reader's attention with a good hook in the first sentence, give some general background information about the process, and end with a thesis statement. In the conclusion paragraph,  you will summarize the process and end your essay in some interesting way.

     So how do you write about 12 steps in the three body paragraphs? Before you begin writing,  arrange the 12 steps in chronological order, from beginning to end. Then look at the steps and see how you could divide them into three groups that would make sense. Those three groups will be your three body paragraphs. For example, let's say that you have decided that  there are 12 steps to wash a car. The first four steps might be about preparing the things that you need to wash the car, the second four steps about getting the car wet with the hose and washing the car, and the final four steps about rinsing off the car and drying it. Those are your three body paragraphs, with four steps in each paragraph.

Car Wash


  1. Process essay I kind of hard for me but I would follow your steps maybe It can probably work for me, for examples "10 ways on how to grow healthy long hair as quickly as do I come about it .seriously in a way it is hard but I would try your ideas .hopefully it is gonna work for me

  2. I don't know how to write a good hook for my essay. i think to much before i do the introducion because i want to have a good hook.

  3. 12 steps will be easy to make 4 steps for each paragraphe

  4. I think the instructions is the most important part, because the article based on it to attract reader.

  5. It is helpful because a process usually has several steps,so with all that steps you can get confuse and in the end you get a messy essay instead a process essay.

  6. Process essays are easy to write if you follow these instructions.

  7. You can also write outline. It help you exactly what you need to do in each step and divide the step into the paragraph.

  8. I think those 12 steps to write a process essay are very helpful. However, I think it takes extra time to do so.

  9. Write 12 steps in the body paragraphs for your process essay you have to explain how to do something in a few steps.

  10. writing process is a good thing and some time we are confused how to devise and make good essay

  11. Or you can just go to the Car Wash and have somebody else do it!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think if we follow those steps it will be more easy to write a process essay.

  14. I think that using 12 steps in the body is very helpful, because 4 steps per paragraphs will help us to have more order and be more detail in our paragraphs.

  15. I will watch next time my car, to know how can I use these instructions.
