Monday, April 7, 2014

Free writing

Free writing is a technique in which you just write down whatever is going through your mind. Sometimes this is called stream-of-consciousness writing. Think of your thoughts as a river running through your head.  As we have discussed in class, the first step in writing is always thinking and brainstorming to organize your thoughts on a topic.  In free writing, you are still thinking first and letting your thoughts guide your writing. When you free write, your writing probably won't be very organized and coherent, but your writing will document to some extent the random thoughts that are flowing constantly through your mind. You might discover something about yourself that you didn't know because we are not always aware of the thoughts that are going on in our heads.  One thing is for sure, we all have thousands of thoughts every day, so there are always plenty of thoughts to write down. You may try this technique in your daily journal for this class, especially if you have writer's block.  Give it a try and see what you think!


  1. Thanks Jeff ,will definitely follow your step.hopefully this going to help

  2. You are a very hard working man, and I wish to be a good writer like yo

  3. I like this blog and i am going to take some step for my writing.

  4. Jeff you gave us a wonderful experience to practice writing skill from journal.but I really need more practice to improve my writing skill.

  5. thank u jeff , you are the man who has a good experiance and i hope to write perfectly like you

  6. I had never written essay more than one page before I studied writing class in Ivy Tech. so I am very happy that I understanding how to think, and how to writing now.

    1. Good! Keep thinking and writing. You do both well.
