Monday, April 21, 2014

All's Well That Ends Well

     This is the name of one of Shakespeare's plays.  All's Well That Ends Well. In the play, there are some good things and more bad things that happen, but the play has a happy ending. Like many of the things that Shakespeare wrote, this has become a common expression in modern English,  meaning that the most important thing is the ending or the outcome. The end of an essay is the conclusion paragraph.  A conclusion paragraph shouldn't be long, but it should be interesting. After summarizing the main points that you wrote about in your essay, finish the conclusion by leaving the reader with something to think about, or pointing towards the future. Another clever way to end an essay is to write something that relates to the hook at the beginning of the essay. This is like completing a circle from the end back to the beginning, a way of tying up the essay into a nice package.

      If you look at my post yesterday about the introduction paragraph, you might say, "All's well that begins well," And today's post is about  "All's well that ends well."   This is also supported by psychologists' studies of what people pay the most attention to and remember. They find that people usually remember the first and last things that they hear or read, and don't remember the middle part (body) as well.


  1. I remember a sentnce is written by shakespeare,is "Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing." so I feel the middle part is important too.

    1. Sherry, Good point. The middle part/body is very important because it is the "meat" of the essay. Do you remember which one of Shakespeare's works this quotation comes from?

  2. At the end of my essays, I need to sumarize all the time? then have to write my points? or its not necesary.

    1. Every essays needs a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your whole essay.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In every essay I have to summarize the thesis statement in my conclusion right? and why we have to summarize the essay in conclusion?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good question, Jeffery. The thesis statement is like a summary of the entire essay. So in your conclusion paragraph, your summary should be similar to the thesis statement, but not in exactly the same words. I hope this helps.

  5. In writing an essay , should the conclusion based on first, second, final paragraph
