Sunday, April 27, 2014

Reading and speaking

     Yesterday I wrote about the many benefits of reading.  Today, I'm going to describe another benefit.  Reading can help your speaking and pronunciation in English.  How?  Most popular books published these days have an audio book version that you can listen to.  You can get a copy of  the book (print or ebook) and audio book at a bookstore or library.  Listen to the audio book while you follow along in the print or ebook. Try reading along with the voice on the audio book, and you might be surprised how this will help your pronunciation, especially in the important areas of intonation, stress, rhythm and timing. This is called "reading out loud" instead of silently, which is the way we usually read. Reading along out loud while you listen to the voice is also called "shadow reading."   It will make your English sound more American. If you like the book and want to take this a step further, check to see if there is a movie version of the book. Many popular books are made into movies. Rent the DVD and watch it. You will understand the movie much better after reading the book, and you will probably find that the book is better than the movie! Why's that? Because it is not possible to put on the screen in a one and a half or two hour movie what you can imagine in your mind as you read a book. Give it a try!


  1. I heard talk about this in the past, but I have not tried yet. Thanks for this good tip. I'll try for sure. Could you give me a list of some good books?( but other than horror or scary, because I hate them). Thanks in advance.

  2. thanks you jeff for the tips, am gonna try this.because i normally asked my sister a question that if i have lived in the united state for so long will i be able to speaks like americans but all her response tome was i can never speak like them and i asked her why? she said because i have passed through the stages to speak like americans then i said to myself, i will not stop reading or watching americans films to be able sounds like them. but with this tricks hopefully i will be able to follow up and speaks like americans. LoL

  3. i have a lot problems with pronunciation i'm always using like franch my friends try to listen to npr audio. will help you to much for listening an pronunciation

  4. Listen to NPR radio when you are driving. Try to repeat what you hear. It will help your pronunciation.
