Saturday, April 12, 2014

Process essays

     Writing about a process is easy. Just think about something  you know how to do and write down the steps in order, using transition  words like first, second, then, and finally to help the reader follow the steps. There are two kinds of processes, directional and informational.

     A directional process essay gives directions on how to do or make something. For example, how to ride a bicycle or how to make a cake. Think of giving someone directions on how to do or make something, step by step, from beginning to end. Usually, the first step of a directional process essay is to write about the ingredients, tools, or materials you will need. An informational process is about something that occurs in the natural world and follows certain steps, such as how a tornado forms , or how a drug works in the body.

     Writing about processes is a common form of academic, business, and scientific writing.  It will be helpful for you to know how to write about processes in your college studies and career.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one mr burnham. About the descriptives essay can I give an examples ; like this steps on how to apply some make-ups. Seriously this process is kind of hard but I will try my possible best to be good in writting process essay's.I will never give up
