Friday, April 25, 2014

Summary/Response essay

     Your professor in a college class might ask you to read Chapter 2 in the textbook and write a summary/response essay about the chapter.  In the essay, you will write a summary of the main points of the chapter and then write your response to the chapter.  The summary part is objective. You write the main points from the chapter as the author presents them. The response part is subjective. This is where you write your opinions and ideas about the chapter. Do you agree with the author?  Is there information missing? Is there too much information on a particular topic? Is the chapter easy or hard to understand?  
     Your Book Report Essay is a type of summary/response essay. In the first part of your essay you will summarize what the book you read is about. You need to give an objective summary of the main points of the book in about one typed page.   In the second part of the essay you will write your subjective response about the book; what you liked about the book, what you didn't like about the book, would you recommend the book to someone else, and so on. Your essay could also be called a Book Review. If I am looking for a new book to read or a movie to watch, it is helpful to read a short book or movie review first to decide if I want to read/see it.  


  1. that's right jeff? you've said it and the way am following your tips and steps i think am improving more better unlike the way back home in my country. thanks to you jeff.

  2. Thank you jeff! I'm improving a lot in my writing by following the steps that you thought me Now I think I'm writing better than I did before!
