Monday, April 14, 2014

The weather and seasons as a process

     You could say that the weather is a process. Seasons are pretty predictable and follow each other in a familiar way. I like to live in a place with four seasons because of the variety. You look forward to the first snow of winter, but about the time you are tired of cold and snow in March, the spring arrives with green and many colorful plants and flowers. Then the summer follows with warm days and fun. August and the end of the summer can be so hot and humid that the cool fall air feels good and the trees change colors. Then it's winter again and time for holidays and playing in the snow. Each season comes with its own kind of weather; snow in the winter, rain and tornadoes in the spring, warm rain, thunder showers and hot sun in the summer, and cool nights and wind in the fall.

     Then there's Indiana, where the weather and seasons don't seem so predictable. In the spring, it can be warm and sunny one day, and cold and snowy the next. As we say in Indiana, if you  don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes! But the weather all over the world seems to be getting less predictable. It must be global climate change.


  1. In this spring I feel I spend the whole season

  2. when I first experience the four season in the United State I feel like going back to my home country. when it comes to spring I like it so much because it look beautiful outside.

  3. I don't think I like when it is snowing ,because my first experience about snow is a big deal for me ,I have never drip on my mouth it was when I got to the United States I started dripping when it is snowing or too cold. In my home town we never had season like that

  4. I would prefer if in a way there can be just only summer and fall season because winter is a sickness for me
