Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Everything's a process

     As I have been thinking more about writing about processes, it occurs to me that almost everything we do or make, or anything that happens in the world, is a process. Think about it. Brushing your teeth. Going to work. Fixing a flat tire. Getting a college degree. Getting married. Going on a vacation. A snow storm. The waves of water on the beach. These are all processes, some more complicated than others. They all involve steps, or stages, in a certain order, from beginning to end. Can you think of anything that isn't a process?


  1. The process is divided to be long or short, if the result is same, why do we to choose the longer one?

    1. If I understand your question, we would write about the process in a longer way if it is important to give a lot of details so the reader can know all the steps and exactly what to do, or how something happens.

  2. sure i can think of anything that isn't a process. to my own suggestion can i say; what sugar actually does to your brain and body. mr burnham this is really hard, just cracking my brain to think f what to write. this isn't easy for me but i would keep on storming my brain to help myself

  3. to write on my journal is a hard process for me sometimes because i don't know what to write about on my journal.

    1. How about this? Keep it simple. Open your journal to a blank page. Think about something that is interesting to you, or is bothering you, or you are planning for the future. Pick up your pencil or pen. Start writing about whatever you are thinking. Stop writing when 15 minutes have passed or you get tired or writing.

  4. Of course everything have its process, but we will have never known what happenes in the next time.

  5. everything has a process, you have to think what is going to come next. another think you have to think right?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Interesting paragraph Mr. B. But yes i am agree everything have a process, life is a process when you born, then you grow up, be an adult, finish college, have kids. The most interesting thing about process of life is that we don't know how is going to be but you know you can change your process of your life
