Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Listening, reading and speaking on TED.com

     Another way to combine listening, reading and speaking is to go to TED.com.  On TED.com you will find many, many interesting presentations on a variety of topics.  Find a presentation that you are interested in and click on it. You will see and hear the presenter speaking and you can also see a written transcript of what the person is saying, word for word. Click on Interactive Transcript below the screen you are watching to see the transcript. You can listen to the presenter and read the transcript at the same time. Try listening to the presentation once, with or without looking at the transcript.  Then listen again, using the transcript, speaking along with the presenter and trying to sound just like him or her. Some people have found that this is an excellent way to improve their pronunciation. And it's free, so you have nothing to lose! Click on TED.com right now to check it out.


  1. It is true TED.com or TED TALKS have many interesting topics, spirituals, motivational, technology, science, etc. But the written transcript is poor and sometimes so wrong. I prefer not to use it. If I have trouble I look for help with my husband, daughter or my niece, and if you have Face Book you can like it there, just saying.

    1. In the transcripts I looked at, they have written exactly what the speaker is saying, and the line underneath each phrase as the speaker is talking. Have you found errors in the transcripts? What kind of errors?

  2. I was trying to remember, but I can't. That was months ago. About wrong words. I show my husband, then my son (for make sure, I hope my husband doesn't read this) and they agreed with the wrong words. I was doing my homework about it.

  3. i have never heard of ted.com,pretty sure if i go on there i would find some interesting topics that is going to help me in my pronounciation.you are the best jeff. thanks for the idea
