Friday, April 11, 2014

Sports in the springtime

     I love to watch sports on TV and live.   I was just thinking today that sports used to all have their separate seasons during the year, but it seems like the seasons have gotten longer now and you can see different sports all year long. Spring is an especially good time for sports.  Right now the baseball season is starting, the basketball season is ending, we're in the middle of the hokey season, the winter Olympics just ended, and you can even follow the off-season activities, draft, and trades in football. You can watch college and professional teams. You can watch soccer pretty much all year round.  I'm a big fan of the Indianapolis teams, the Pacers and the Colts. There is even a minor-league professional baseball team in Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Indians. Their season just started last week. My wife and I like to go to a few games each year. They play at Victory Field in downtown Indianapolis. It's a beautiful stadium and the tickets are inexpensive. Even if you don't understand baseball, you would enjoy going out to watch a game. Someone said that you can't really understand Americans unless you understand baseball. You can even get a discount on Indians tickets as an Ivy Tech student. If you're a sports fan like me, you can enjoy watching lots of sports right now, and maybe even play some sports yourself.

What are your favorite sports? Do you like to play, watch, or both?


  1. I love watching balls, right from my home town and two fans club namely man-united and Real Madrid fans ,I was once a man -u fans but now that Ronaldo has moved to Real Madrid I have no choice than to follow him to Real that there is another game to be watching I would have so much fun to keep myself busy at weekend

    1. Have you heard of the new Indiana 11 professional soccer team?

  2. I like watch the Summer Olympic Games, especially swimming contest

    1. Were you able to go to the Summer Olympics in China? Was it near where you are from?
