Monday, April 28, 2014

Be a bookworm

     Educators say that reading is FUNdamental, meaning that it  is a basic learning skill and it is also fun. We call people who always have their noses in a book "bookworms."  You've seen the person I'm talking about. They are constantly reading.  I knew a guy in the Navy who was always reading paperback books. He liked science fiction.  He would even read while we were eating instead of talking to the people at the table. We would say something to him, but he wouldn't even hear because he was lost in the story.  I guess he took it a little too far; even too much of a good thing can be bad. The best advice I could give to students at any level is read, read, read.  But more than anything, read for pleasure and let your imagination run free. Get lost in a book.


  1. In my country eating while you are reading is a bad manner. Such people were called antisocial (like today is happening with cellphones). I used to be punished by my mother for doing this. I used to carry books with me but my mom sometimes burned them. Even my teachers forbade me. I believe I didn't in a exaggerated way, like you friend. This article make me look back.

    1. Reading while you are eating is considered bad manners in the US, too. But bookworms do it. They just can resist!

  2. Nevertheless, I still like reading. I stopped for a while but I am back, so I am a bookworm? (new word for me), this word sounds to me like I am eating worms eww!

    1. Being a bookworm is a good thing, as long you don't take it too far and become antisocial, like my friend in the Navy..:)

  3. eating while reading is bad habit,i dont believe in doing two things at the same time. when you eating and reading how do you wanna undertsand yourself, unlike me when am reading i love to be in a cool places where there is no noise. to my own perspective advise i think is rather to eat watever you wanna eat before taken your book to read.

    1. I agree. People today are always trying to multitask. I agree that it's not a good idea. Driving and texting. Reading and walking. Watching TV and eating. It's probably a good idea to just do one thing at a time, focus on it, and do it well. But how about reading a book in the bathtub. That can be very relaxing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. reading is the best way to learning or make our languge and culture better.
