Sunday, April 6, 2014

What is writer's block?

Have you ever sat down to write and you can't think of anything to write about?  Maybe you had a case of writer's block.  This happens to many people, including famous authors. There are at least two solutions. First, go do something else and come back to writing later. Don't pressure yourself looking at the blank computer monitor wondering what you should write. Second, just write about anything that is going through your mind---and there are always thoughts flowing through your mind, even when you are asleep--and before you know it, you might "break the ice" and start writing up a storm.  It's like jumping into a cold swimming pool. You hate to do it, but after you are in the water, it feels fine. I chose the second approach today. I couldn't think of what to write, so I decided to write about writer's block. And now I am finished with my post for the day and I have overcome writer's block, for now.   What do you do when you have writer's block?

Here is a link to some information on Purdue University's OWL (Online Writing Lab) with some ideas about writer's block. Click on the following link to learn more:  Purdue OWL Writer's Block


  1. sometimes i do things like that when i have to write something and i dont know what to write about.

  2. when I sit down to write and can't think of anything to write about, I will read some books, because it will give me some inspirations.
